In 2014, after 22 years of facilitating emotional breakthrough work and 16 years of practicing reflexology, Scott came to the realization that true wellness cannot be achieved without bringing the physical and emotional pieces together. Emotive Reflex Method is the outcome of that understanding. It is his sincere desire that this wellness empowerment system will help enhance your own health and that of your clients and loved ones.
In this book you will:
- Discover the Ancient Art of Reflexology
- Learn that Self-Care is Essential to Health-Care
- Get Clear that Outside Health is an Inside Job
- Gain Tools to Take Ownership of Your Own Health
- Access the Roadmap to Your Emotional Freedom
“This book introduces Ancient Healing for a Modern World. A must read for those who want to feel good.”
—Bob Proctor, Bestselling Author, Motivational Speaker, and Featured Teacher from Hit Movie, The Secret
“Emotive Reflex Method is a guide to releasing old and outdated mental and emotional patterns which no longer serve us.” —Joe Vitale, Multiple International Bestselling Author, Musician, and Featured Teacher from Hit Movie, The Secret
“This book brings together Scott’s innate wisdom of healing through the use of reflexology, oils, and understanding eastern philosophies.”
—Terry Treece, L.Ac, MA NCCAOM Diplomat, Five Elements Acupuncturist, Gate of Hope Acupuncture
Wellness Spheres
Wellness Spheres - This set of four beautiful wooden balls is a wellness tool designed by Scott Donat, The FootGuy, as part of the Emotive Reflex Method wellness system. Wellness Spheres are designed to be used on clients by practitioners, and by clients as a self-care tool. Self-care with Wellness Spheres is an empowering means of creating better health. By rolling the spheres across the feet in a specific manner for specific conditions, reflexes are stimulated that increase circulation and promote relaxation, leading to balance and vitality. Each sphere is sealed and infused with essential oils which not only smell nice but also improve mood and overall well being. Instructions for using and caring for the Spheres are available free of charge at www.thefootguy.rocks.
One set of Wellness Spheres is $39.95.
If you are a practitioner or wellness business owner and would like to purchase multiple sets of Wellness Spheres (minimum of 12 sets), they are available for $25/set. Your logo can be added for an additional one-time set up fee of $250. For more information on the Wellness Spheres affiliate program, visit The FootGuy’s website (www.thefootguy.rocks).
ERM Course
Emotive Reflex Method (ERM) is the merging of five healing modalities that together create a powerful and effective wellness system. The ancient art of reflexology, enhanced with the use of essential oils, is used to identify energy blockages in the client’s body. Next, the emotional causes of the blockages are examined so the client can identify personal patterns that contribute to the physical ailments. The final stage of the wellness system is to use the modern tools of tuning forks and Wellness Spheres to release the stagnant, blocked energy.
ERM is the natural, spontaneous result of my 16 years of experience as a traditional reflexologist and the 25 years that I have been facilitating an emotional breakthrough workshop called The Way Through Experience. It has become crystal clear to me that the connection between the body and the emotions is extremely powerful, and that true wellness cannot be achieved without addressing both components.
Wellness practitioners who participate in the ERM course will leave with the ability to fully integrate a new holistic system into their existing practice. They will gain the knowledge to effectively add essential oils, tuning forks, and Wellness Spheres to their current treatment regimen. Most importantly, ERM participants will begin developing the ability and insight to explore their clients' emotional challenges that are the underlying causes of their physical issues. This is what sets ERM apart from other modalities and wellness systems that only address the physical. Learning ERM offers an opportunity for practitioners to diversify their current business scope and range of services by incorporating an emotional component into an expanded treatment protocol.
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My Address
4705 Seattle St.
Cocoa, FL 32927
Emotive Reflex Method
In 2014, after 22 years of facilitating emotional breakthrough work and 16 years of practicing reflexology, Scott came to the realization that true wellness cannot be achieved without bringing the physical and emotional pieces together. Emotive Reflex Method is the outcome of that understanding. It is his sincere desire that this wellness empowerment system will help enhance your own health and that of your clients and loved ones.
4705 Seattle St.
Cocoa, Florida 32927
Tel 321-458-3944
Email thefootguy14@gmail.com